C&M reveals travel's gender pay split - 2015

C&M's Travel Gender Pay Gap Index - 2015

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  • Male travel executives earning 6.43% more than females
  • Gender pay gap stands at ‘just’ £206 for standard travel jobs
  • But males still earning more than females for Travel Consultant and BTC roles
  • Women hold 72% of standard travel jobs, but just 32% of executive roles

Gender pay gap

The gender pay gap in the travel industry has been revealed in new figures from C&M Travel Recruitment showing that men are routinely earning more than women in similar roles throughout the sector.

However, the difference in pay varies greatly depending upon seniority, with male executives (those in roles paying in excess of £40,000) earning 6.43 per cent or a huge £3,474 per year more than females in similar positions. Over the past year, the gender pay gap for travel executives has actually widened from a difference of 4.63 per cent in 2014.

Salaries were much more even in terms of standard travel jobs (those paying below £40,000), although there was still a pay gap of 0.99 per cent, meaning that the average male worker in the industry earns £20,994, or £206 more than their female counterparts.

Similarly, the typical male Travel Consultant takes home £17,464, which is 0.54 per cent more than the average woman in the same role, while male Business Travel Consultants receive an average salary of £21,864, which is 0.92 per cent more than their female colleagues.

Gender split

Interestingly, the research found huge differences in terms of the gender split of those being placed in new roles. Women accounted for a massive 71.69 per cent of all those securing new standard travel positions in 2015, but despite this, the vast majority (68.18 per cent) of higher-paid executive roles were awarded to men.

In fact, the gender split has widened in the past year, with 2014 seeing 67.28 per cent of all standard roles going to women and 58.97 per cent of executive positions going to men.

Barbara Kolosinska, Director at C&M Travel Recruitment, said: “We have to question why men are securing far more executive roles in the industry than women and why they are also being paid significantly more.

“Of course, many women give up opportunities to further their careers in order to focus on motherhood, and this gender imbalance certainly isn’t an issue that solely affects travel. But with such a high percentage of women working in this industry, it is alarming that we are still handing so many of the highest profile positions to men.

“We have a wonderful opportunity in this industry to take a stand and be an example to others by reducing and, potentially, eliminating the gender pay gap altogether.”


C&M Travel Recruitment was established in 1998 and is the largest and most successful specialist travel recruitment company in the UK.

For further information please contact: Owen Mckeon (Content Manager - 0161 238 4497 / owen@candm.co.uk) or Barbara Kolosinska (Director - 07507 602 069 / barbara@candm.co.uk).
