Five ways to keep your job search secret

Everyone loves gossip, but some things are best kept secret - such as when you're searching for a new job. You don't want your hunt to jeopardise your current role, so here's how to keep it quiet

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Keep your mouth shut!

It may be obvious advice, but it's also good advice; the fewer people you tell about your job hunt, the smaller the chance that your boss will find out. Confiding in a friend or two is understandable, but speaking to anyone at work is risky - we all know how fast gossip spreads around the office...

Update your LinkedIn profile subtly

If you're searching for a new job, then you'll want to update your LinkedIn profile, but remember that your current manager will be able to see (and possibly even be notified) whenever you make any updates.

There are a few ways around this though - firstly, make sure that your activity broadcasts are turned off, and secondly, be subtle with your wording. Don't say your ‘seeking a new challenge'; just detail your roles and the skills that you've brought to them. Keep it professional rather than eager.

In the same way, be careful when you're networking. This is now a massively important method of finding new jobs, but be careful about who you talk to and how honest you are. Who's to say the person you're networking with isn't about to do the same with your manager?

Consider your references

While most people put their current boss down as one of their references, this isn't always the most sensible thing to do. If they get a call from someone asking to provide a reference for you, then your secret's out in the open, so consider choosing a former boss and a colleague that you can trust instead.

If you go for a job and they insist on speaking to your current manager, then explain that you'll happily hand over their details when they make you a firm offer. If that happens, politely speak to your boss explaining what's happened and try to keep it all on good terms - don't annoy them minutes before they write your reference...

Don't call in sick for an interview

If you need to go to an interview, then you haven't got the job yet, so don't risk your current position by calling in sick. It might seem tempting, but it really isn't worth the risk and, if you're boss finds out, it will make your working arrangements slightly more tense, to say the least.

If you've got holiday time left then book a day off work, if not, then it looks like some ‘personal issues' might affect you coming in that day...

Speak to your boss

Ok, this goes against everything you've just read, but if you've had no luck finding a new job, why not look for a better role at your current place of work?

Be careful about how you word it when speaking to your manager, but most bosses will be pleased to know that their employees are determined and eager to increase their workload. At the very least, this might result in you learning a few more skills to add to your CV.

But if you're still having no luck in your job hunt, try uploading your CV to C&M Travel Recruitment and let one of the consultants do the hard work.